Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Inside Out

Most of us would never consider having someone over when our house is a mess. We rush to clean it up, hide the flaws, and cover all signs of our laziness. Our house is a reflection of our lifestyle, personality, and habits. Some people take the time everyday to clean some part of their home everyday and these people's homes tend to look very clean on a consistent basis. Some people are in such a rush, our responsibilities tugging at us in many directions, that we tend to let the cleaning go to the weekend. Then the weekend comes and we try to accomplish all that we've let linger during the week. However, the need to relax and enjoy ourselves sometimes take over and cleaning is put off once again. Before we know it the piles of papers, useless trinkets, out of season clothing, dust, stains, and grime have built up to overwhelming levels. We resolve to do a "spring cleaning" or "winter cleaning" gutting the house in search of order. Unfortunately, most times the order is hurried and not accompanied with the important question of how we let things get so far and without any sort of thorough examination our old habits surface once again.

This weekend I was in a nesting mood and cleaned house. I've been cleaning a lot lately. Sunday alone I went grocery shopping, swept and mopped the floor, cooked two dishes, cleaned all of my dishes, organized my cupboards, cleaned the refrigerator, swept the common area, took Comfort for a long walk, cleared the trash and other items from my car, and put time into cleaning my room. I "earned my sleep" which is one of my friend's New Year's Resolutions. I strongly believe that all of this is a result of making the commitment to take control of my health. Of course being at your heaviest weight will shock most people into making a decision. However, I feel like I have finally found the key. See, I've always been able to lose weight. I have an ENDLESS amount of information on nutrition, exercise, weight lifting, etc. I know all of the underlying principles to a successful plan to lose weight. I've done it once or twice with and without diet pills. It was not until now that I realize that I have to do it EVERY DAY for the REST OF MY LIFE. Maintenance. Improvement.

I've applied it to my education, my finances, my career and now my health and home. You have to do it everyday. This weight was a shock and at the same time I saw it coming. I was satisfied with 155, then 165 wasn't all that bad, 170 was okay, 175 and I still looked good, skip 180 and go straight to 184 and now I am wondering what the hell happened.

I am starting to realize that when you bring order to one part of your life it spreads to others and it is a fantastic feeling. Another realization I've had is that life's troubles are no excuse to let everything slide. Order can be a source of security. I started gaining weight when my parent's were going through their ugly divorce and after every failed relationship. However, life will always have it's bout of troubles, the key is learning how to get through them with the least amount of damage as possible. If one area of my life is sliding that doesn't mean that it has to bring the rest down with it.

I was watching Oprah last night Bob Greene was her guest, he is the man that helped her lose weight and who has a new book out called The Best Life Diet. What is unique about this does is that he's partnered with several major corporations to help consumers identify proper foods with his symbol of approval. Although I still suggest people look at the nutrition facts and learn how to identify healthy foods themselves, I think this is really a great idea. But the new diet is not what fascinated me, for there will always be a new diet. I was inspired by what Oprah kept saying: If you are not living your best life right now then CHANGE IT. Simple as that. It's not just about the weight. It's about your feelings towards yourself. My body is an outward manifestation of how much I love myself, how much I put my health first, how I treat my "temple". I can lie all I want to and say I am never meant to be "skinny" or "I just like to eat" or "I hate diet and exercise" but the reality is that every pound of extra weight on my body is a lie I have told myself, a promise not kept. "Your subconscious feels the same way when you lie to it as people do when you lie to them. It feels betrayed, hurt, and stops trusting you," Oprah. It's time to do some house cleaning of another kind. By the end of this year I will be a better person. Why? Because...

I vow to start trusting myself again.

Tip of the Day - Bob Greene's Six Foods You Should Avoid (Try it for a month and see what happens)
  1. Soda
  2. Foods with Trans Fats
  3. Fried Foods
  4. High Fat Dairy Products
  5. White Bread
  6. Regular Pasta


Carly said...

I am now going to go eat some ice cream...though I feel a little guilty though it is the low fat kind...but I did go to yoga and only ate healthy...an asian chicken soup with ginger, bok choy, carrots, and mushrooms!

Never200 said...

Lol!! Don't feel guilty. It's okay to treat yourself now and then and you take good care of yourself! I'm glad the asian chicken soup came out nicely - I may need to get the recipe from you.

rashad said...

Bob greene's list is good. Dairy and soda are hard to give up, but you can see results almost immediately once you do. and i agree that something as simple as cleaning house, can lead to organization and inspiration in other aspects of your life.

That being said, portions of your blog are starting to sound eerily like Iyanla Vanzant.