I'm not gonna lie. I am gonna be honest. I was really sick Friday and Saturday and I broke my diet. For the past two days I lived on pretzels, chicken noodle soup, ginger ale, and juice. I threw / shit about half of that out. This morning is my first day out of bed and I feel great. The key is not to be discouraged but to try again.
So I am starting again with a vengeance on Monday. Today I am making a recipe from South Beach called "Indian Chicken" which is basically an East Indian curry with chicken and cauliflower. Last week, in preparation for this diet, I bought two family size Butcher's Brand boneless skinless chicken breasts from Safeway. They are usually very expensive but if you ever find them on sale bulk up because they are the most tender chicken breasts I've ever tasted. Since I am cooking for one I immediately cleaned the breasts and put them in Ziploc bags so I wouldn't have to defrost all of the chicken for a small meal.
This morning I took out two defrosted breasts, punctured them several times with a fork and marinated them in about 1/2 cup of light coconut milk, 2 tbs of Neera's Curry Masala (from Whole Foods - highly recommended), and about 1 tb of dried ginger. Coconut milk and/or yogurt make chicken VERY TENDER. Tonight I will cook it with onions, garlic, fresh ginger, and cauliflower. I will be sure to let you know how it tastes.
The Rise and Fall of Lord & Taylor
The Rise and Fall of Lord & Taylor
[image: View of building with Lord & Taylor logo.]
In the mid-1900s, Lord & Taylor was an American success story. What...
2 weeks ago
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