I've been meaning to post for the longest time. Honest! Despite the ego-flattering requests from my friend Rashad (a talented aspiring writer), I have not been able to post because my laptop crashed and I can't access my blog at work. Now, I sit here overwhelmed with all of the stories that I want to include in this blog. So much has happened since the summer.
I've never been one to stand excuses. I try to make a practice to avoid them at all costs, because I hat to have my card pulled. The truth is that I could have posted because I have access to my cousin's laptop. Part of my reluctance has been my decrease in commitment to my weight loss. While i am happy to report that I am not 200 lbs., I have stopped exercising and eating right which means that I am back on the path to plumpness. Thankfully, I haven't gained the weight that I lost. But I have given up one some level. After spending my entire summer break going to the gym DAILY and working my but off. After counting calories meticulously and killing myself with cardio and strength training. I didn't lose a single pound. Well, maybe one, but I didn't lose weight as I thought I should. So here I am, at the end of a long and tumultuous year, ready to start again. However, I am not at a total loss, because even though I am starting again I don't feel as desperate and dejected as I did last time. This time I am not focused so much on losing weight as I am on just staying healthy. I just don't feel right not exercising. Don't get it twisted, a sister needs to lose another 25 pounds. I am ready to start again, and YES I will start in the most cliche way possible - on January 1st.
That being said, i am going to expand the horizons in this blog. Teaching is such a huge part of my life, as well as my dusty ass love life, so those topics will be included in this blog as well. Food may not be the only saucy thing you read in here (I hear the groans). I heard somewhere that being an optimist is a choice and it takes work. The last couple of days I spent some time feeling sorry for myself because of some relationship issues. I wondered why I can't find a "good man". I really feel like I am ready for love, and I want it something serious. I think the most frustrating thing is that I've been dating, but I keep getting the three-eyed fish, and other genetic rejects, while a majority of my close friends are enjoying flourishing romantic relationships. While I am truly happy for them, part of me is pretty envious, and I keep wondering when it's my turn.
SO I will close this blog out by not focusing on what I don't have, but listing the things for which I am grateful. Happy New Year!!
- The head of special ed came to me during my class and told me what a wonderful teacher I am (we share a wall and they can hear me teach)
- I am a pretty damn good teacher. I have grown so many ways in my craft this year, and i am excited to see what happens next!
- I have a job
- I love my job
- I own a home
- I bought a new car (and the one that I wanted too!)
- I haven't gained any weight
- I have great friends
- I have a wonderful and crazy family.
- I spent Christmas Eve sleeping on the pull out bed watching movies with my Mom and sister. That will be one of my most cherished memories.
- I lifted a friend's spirit today and that made me feel good.
- I *&#*^$*($^ the other day and it was GREAT!
- I have some really great coworkers
- I started wearing jewelry this year.
- I am one class away from being certified
- I received a Certificate of Excellence on my Praxis II Content Knowledge exam for scoring in the top 10% of all candidates over the past few years (in other words, I know my shit!)
- I discovered some really good music this year
- I am becoming more organized
- I have a wonderful little sister and we've grown closer this year.
- My mother got her hair done. Praise the Lord!!!!!!! You JUST DON'T KNOW.
- My mother bought me a key finder for Christmas
- I passed level 9-6 on Zuma (a game on my cell phone) - FINALLY!
- I love my Sansa Mp3 player and Rhapsody
- My hair is growing and it's healthy (I had a lot of dead ends due to dying my hair)
- I went to a big event solo - The Reggae Brewfest at the Baltimore Zoo
The Rise and Fall of Lord & Taylor
The Rise and Fall of Lord & Taylor
[image: View of building with Lord & Taylor logo.]
In the mid-1900s, Lord & Taylor was an American success story. What...
2 weeks ago
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